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What's a TFSA?

A TFSA, or Tax-Free Savings Account is a government program that allows those 18 or over to save money tax-free. You won’t get taxed on the interest made on your investment, even when it’s withdrawn.

It really is tax-free.

Whether your TFSA is earning interest, dividends or capital gains, you won’t be taxed, even when the investment is withdrawn. This tax-free compound growth means that your money grows more quickly inside a TFSA than in a taxable account. Investment income and capital gains earned in a TFSA are not taxed, even when you withdraw money from the account.

Income earned and withdrawals made from a TFSA do not affect your eligibility for federal tax credits or income-tested benefits such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, Old Age Security (OAS) or the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

Additional information is available on the Canada Revenue Agency's website.

Key features:

  • Investment income earned in a TFSA plan, including capital gains, will not be taxed, even when withdrawn
  • Unused TFSA contribution room can be carried forward to future years
  • There is no maximum age limit to open or hold a TFSA
  • There's no deadline for your contributions

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Years TFSA Annual Limit Cumulative Total




























Coast Capital Savings customers will be able to hold a wide range of investments in their TFSA plan such as savings accounts, term deposits and mutual funds. Learn more
Do contributions reduce your taxable income? No Yes
Are these funds subject to income tax when withdrawn? No Yes
Is interest earned on these investments tax sheltered? Yes Yes
Can these funds be withdrawn anytime, for any reason, without being taxed? Yes No

Still can't decide between a TFSA and an RRSP? We can help.

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Call us at 1.888.517.7000 Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm; Sat, 8am-5pm.

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union provides advice and service related to deposit, loan and mortgage products. Coast Capital Wealth Management Ltd. provides investment and financial planning services. Coast Capital Financial Management Ltd. provides advice and service related to segregated funds, annuities and life insurance products. Worldsource Financial Management Inc. provides advice and service relating to mutual funds. Mutual fund values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be related with mutual fund investments. Important information about mutual funds is contained in the relevant fund facts and simplified prospectus. Please read the fund facts carefully before investing. Only deposits payable in Canada are eligible to be insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act.