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Accessibility Feedback Process

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Coast Capital welcomes feedback on accessibility, especially from persons with disabilities. We will improve our approach to accessibility at Coast Capital based on the information you provide.

We have established the following process for receiving and actioning feedback related to accessibility. Feedback related to barriers to accessibility at Coast Capital or the implementation of Coast Capital’s Accessibility Plan can be directed to the Senior Manager, HR Solutions through the following ways:

Feedback can be submitted anonymously or with personal information identified. If you submitted feedback anonymously, you will not receive a response.  If you include your contact information with your feedback, we will acknowledge your feedback in the same way it was submitted. If Coast Capital takes immediate action based on the feedback you provided, we will communicate this to you.

All feedback will be taken into consideration by the Human Resources Team. It will then be forwarded to relevant divisions when necessary.

All feedback related to accessibility will be captured in a central location for analysis and record keeping. Feedback will be used to help identify, prevent, and remove barriers in a timely manner.  

Our feedback process is available in the following formats upon request:

  • Print
  • Large Print
  • Braille
  • Audio
  • Other electronic formats that are compatible with assistive technologies

If you would like to request our feedback process in a different format, please contact us at:

You do not have to provide your telephone or email address. If you do include your telephone or email address, it will only be used to contact you. It will not be shared outside of Coast Capital. By completing the feedback form, you consent to your information being used according to Coast Capital’s Privacy Policy.